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Using our Search Engine

Use the search box to find products

On the homepage you'll see the search box at the top of the screen, just under the 'Woodturning', 'Dust Collection' and 'Shop Tools' category names. Next, type key words or phrases in the search box. Examples: 'slimline pen kit' or 'chisel' Click on the yellow 'FIND' button.

Your search will return a list of products that meet your search criteria. Click on any item in the search list to go to the in-depth product information page.

Please Note: You have the ability to narrow down your results by clicking on the links on the left hand side of page that under 'Filter by Category', 'Filter By Price', etc.,

Once you have arrived at the product information page, you may select the quantity you'd like to purchase. If the product you're viewing has Quantity Pricing, the Quantity Pricing options will appear in a box next to the stated price. Add the product to your Shopping Basket by clicking the yellow "Add to Cart" button.

When you are done shopping, click the 'Checkout' button. If you want to continue shopping at this point, you can click 'Continue Shopping' where you'll be sent back to the last page you viewed.