Creating an Account
Why Create an Account?
Creating an account will make it easier for you to order from the Penn State Industries store in the future. By simply entering a Login and Password, your Billing and Shipping information will already be entered in for easy ordering - you'll have no need to re-enter it when placing your next order. We do not save your credit card information in our web store, so this account information is secure and safe.
How to create an Account
Creating an account is free, does not commit you to ordering, and makes it easier to check out in the future. If you do not have an account you will first be asked to create a Login/User Name and Password. The User Name and Passoword will be your "key" to entering our store with your personal information. Make up a User Name and Password and record them for future reference and re-entering the store. Enter your information as presented on the screen and click the "Continue" button.