Home > Pen Turning Supplies > Finishing > U-Beaut Woodturners Waxtik Friction Wax: 7oz.

U-Beaut Woodturners Waxtik Friction Wax: 7oz.

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Product Description

Food-safe and non-toxic, this special blend of wax polishes directly on your lathe for a beautiful, hard shine. Apply over most finishes for extra protection. Apply directly to the work while it is spinning in the lathe, then with the lathe still running the wax is melted on to the work piece through friction. This is done by applying a clean soft rag to the work and moving it slowly across the face of the turned piece. Use heavy pressure for a satin finish and light pressure for a more lustrous sheen. Second and subsequent coats may be applied if needed. For a high shine apply a coat of shellac or spirit varnish to the turned piece then immediately apply the Waxtik as described above. The Waxtik can be applied over our Shellawax and Shellawax Cream friction polishes, and also works extremely well over EEE-Ultra Shine for a fully waxed finish. Can be used over most oil finishes that respond to a final buffing with hard wax including Organoil. and Danish oil. (Best used on oiled surfaces when the surface is completely dry and no more oil is sweating from the pores of the wood). Non toxic and totally safe for use on all food implements, bowls, babies rattles etc. However being a wax it may show a dull or white spot if wet. This can be repaired by using our Traditional Wax.FINISHING TIP: You will obtain a much better finish on your work if you sand finely. Start with around 180 grit then go though the grits to 600 girt. eg. 180, 240, 320, 400, 600. For an even more brilliant effect sand up to 1200 grit then use our EEE-Ultra Shine before using the Waxtik.Huon Pine, Oak and Elm, all respond brilliantly to being waxed with Waxtik with no other finish being applied.

Specification Description
Size: 70z
Category: Finishing

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